USBHSET.msi 下载 v1.1.0.4-The self-extract

The self-extracting file, USBHSET.exe (1.4 MB), contains the Installation Instruction (ReadMeFirst.pdf) for the USB High Speed Electrical Test Tool Kit and the installation utility itself. This tool kit contains the Window-based HSET utility used to initiate test modes. Detailed test procedures for high-speed host, hub and device electrical testing, tailored to common test equipment, can be downloaded here . The USB scripts and GPIB software included in this release are obsolete and should not be used. A new USB Electrical Analaysis Tool is available separately for download (see USBET above). The procedures for legacy testing can be found in the USB-IF Compliance Program area. For further information about this tool kit and the installation procedure, please read the ReadMeFirst.pdf file first. This software provided courtesy of Intel Corporation>





